03 November 2009

P.O. Receipt Tolerance

I spent all day yesterday in a strategic planning session with parents and administrators from my kid's school so I've go some serious catching up to do.

Frank Hamelly has a new tip up on PO Receipt tolerance. I just had this question come up as well about two weeks ago. GP has a small customization (for a reasonable fee) that that allows an admin to set the tolerance for over receiving on P.O.s. Over receiving within a limit is common in certain industries. For example, printed materials often have a 10% over/under factor to compensate for paper waste if the exact number of printed materials were created. Some garment and fabric based materials work the same way. Rather than leave the last two yards of material on the bolt never to be used again, they'll make some extras and ship them with the order.

The nice thing about the customization is that it also allows a tolerance of zero, there by preventing over receiving. Frank's got more on his site.