If you have liked any of the the 50 Tips presentations this book is for you. There are more topics like those in the book with greater coverage than even I could stuff into in a presentation. Don’t be put off by the 2010 in the title, I’ve baked in recipes for features still in GP 2010 that are useful all the way back to version 6 along with lots of new 2010 goodies. If you are running Dynamics GP you will get something out of this book. If you implement Dynamics GP you will get more of this and you will have a resource to make to your customers better users of Dynamics GP.
I’m putting the final touches on the book now and it will be available in the August/September time frame but you can get a significant discount if you preorder now.
An awful lot of people commented that the 50 Tips presentations were worth the cost of Convergence, well the book is better and cheaper. Plus you will be better looking by just carrying it around. Publishers react to cash so if you want more books on how to get the most out of Dynamics GP you have to buy some. Why not start with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook!