30 June 2011

GP2themax - Helping users get the 'max' from Dynamics GP: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook: LITE

Frank Hamelly has a nice review of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook: LITE edition.

GP2themax - Helping users get the 'max' from Dynamics GP: Resize the left pane in SmartList

Frank Hamelly makes available a customization, courtesy of MS, to allow users to Resize the left pane in SmartList.

The Dynamics GP Blogster: IM - Cannot Open Database error when running eConnect adapter integration

Mariano Gomez looks at an error with Integration Manager. Specifically: Cannot Open Database error when running eConnect adapter integration

Dynamics GP Land: How to find Dynamics GP Customizations or Third Party Modules

Dynamics GP Land looks at How to find Dynamics GP Customizations or Third Party Modules in your implementation of Dynamics GP.

Microsoft Forecaster - SP4 is now available! - Dynamics Corporate Performance Management

Along with Management Report SP2 comes the release of Microsoft Forecaster - SP4

Management Reporter - Service Pack 2 is now available! - Dynamics Corporate Performance Management

From Dynamics Corporate Performance Management comes word that Management Reporter - Service Pack 2 is now available!

Supporting Microsoft Dynamics GP: Users at the Help Desk | MSDynamicsWorld.com


My new article is up at MSDynamicsWorld. I spend some time with something that has been on my mind a lot lately, Supporting Microsoft Dynamics GP: Users at the Help Desk

Adding the Developer tab in Microsoft Word after installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word - Video - Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog

The Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog explains Adding the Developer tab in Microsoft Word after installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word.

Support Debugging Tool Build 15 released - Developing for Dynamics GP

The Support Debugging Tool Build 15 has been released just in time for the long holiday here in the U.S. Declare your independence from frustration with the new version of the SDT. Make sure to check out Dave’s post for the new features.


Weekly Review: Why Setting Everything to “Post Through” Doesn’t Seem to Work

When an administrator sets up posting in Dynamics GP they get to choose whether to post to and/or through the GL. Posting To controls whether a transaction is even sent to the GL. Selecting the Posting To option means that a subledger posting updates the subledger and also sends an unposted transaction to the GL that then needs to be posted again to update the GL. Adding posting through means that the GL portion of the transaction posts to the GL automatically as well.

The fun really starts when a firm decides that they want everything to post to and through the GL. The way to set this is via the Dynamics GP menu then Tools->Setup->Posting->Posting, Select a Series (like financial), set Origin to ALL and check both the Post to General Ledger and Post Through General Ledger checkboxes. Click save to make the change stick and then repeat this for each series.

That's easy enough until you return to the window and see that when you select all, the Post Through button is no longer checked. Most responses to this start with "What the...".

Here is what's going on. In the past, some modules didn't allow posting through the GL. Setting the origin to ALL would update only the transaction types that would allow posting through. Consequently, the box wasn't checked since all of the items weren't really set to post through. Now however, all the transaction types allow posting through the GL. The fact that the box isn't checked when users select an origin of ALL is just an annoying leftover.

To really check if posting through is set, select an origin of ALL and with the lookup window still open, use the arrow key to arrow down through the various origin types. Each time you select an origin, the window will refresh to show the appropriate settings in the background.

Originally Posted by Mark at 7/13/2009 09:00:00 AM

29 June 2011

Uncovering and Preventing Fraud in ERP Implementations

When I saw the headline Uncovering and Preventing Fraud in ERP Implementations I though it was about finding fraud in companies while performing an ERP implementation. That’s a touchy conversation for sure. But the article is actually a look at a mostly fraudulent $600 million payroll implementation for the City of New York. That’s right, a more than half a BILLION dollar mostly fraudulent payroll implementation.  It’s still a great read.

The Dynamics GP Blogster: Invalid column name 'Search_dates_1' upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2

Mariano looks at a possible upgrade issue in Invalid column name 'Search_dates_1' upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2

Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Office 365 - Better Together! - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

It’s buzz time for Office 365 and yes Dynamics GP work with Office 365. Find out more from Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP at Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Office 365 - Better Together!

27 June 2011

Information about Check Links for Analytical Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics GP - Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog

The Dynamics GP Support and Services blog reminds us that its not recommended to run check links for AA in their new post Information about Check Links for Analytical Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Named Printers application default printer selections not "sticking" - Developing for Dynamics GP

Over at Developing for Dynamics GP, David Musgrave looks at a problem where Named Printers application default printer selections not "sticking".

Business Analyzer Demo for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP gives us a great demo of Business Analyzer Demo for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Dynamics GP Land: Please, Please, Please Upgrade your Dynamics GP software

Steve Endow really wants you to Upgrade your Dynamics GP software

SQL Script for Purchase Order Line Items Not Yet Received | Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing

Sivakumar gives us a SQL Script for Purchase Order Line Items Not Yet Received.

Is Your ERP System Bringing Your Organization to its Knees? | 360° ERP Blog

Panorama Consulting has a well written article on three key areas in ERP implementation. Check out their article Is Your ERP System Bringing Your Organization to its Knees? for details.

Weekly Dynamic: Changing Companies

I’m highlighting this because I still see folks who don’t know that you can do this.

If you’re working in Dynamics GP and you want to change companies, don’t close the application, click on the company name and the login box will open up allowing you to pick a different company.


20 June 2011

New Features in Dynamics GP 2010 R2 - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

From Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP comes a look at New Features in Dynamics GP 2010 R2

SQL Script for Budgets vs. Actuals in Amounts in Analytical Accounting | Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing

Sivakumar gives us a SQL Script for Budgets vs. Actuals in Amounts in Analytical Accounting – By Dimension Code and a SQL Script for Budgets vs. Actuals in Amounts in Analytical Accounting – By Budget Tree Node

Weekly Dynamic: DynamicZip and Project Accounting

We ran into an issue with DynamicZip and Project Accounting recently so I thought I would share here.

DynamicZip is a Sales and Use Tax ISV solution for Dynamics GP. We ran into an issue where the account substitution wasn’t working the way we wanted it to for Invoice/Matching. In the end it turned out to be a conflict between Project Accounting's ability send the tax expense to the same account as the purchase and DynamicZip’s ability to do the same thing. Specifically:

  • Default GP can use the tax detail account as the tax expense to debit via the Purchase Taxes in Project Costs in Project Accounting.
  • This project accounting setting overrides the tax expense with the PA Purchase account
    • So in a non-DynamicZip environment this would be the behavior we want
  • DynamicZip changes the behavior of the tax detail account to be liability account (a credit)
  • What’s happening is that project accounting was overriding the tax account with the purchase account, then Dynamics Zip was swapping it out to be the credit.
  • Since DynamicsZip was already setup to use the purchasing account on these transactions, this PA setting was redundant and it was conflicting with PA .

The answer was to uncheck Include Purchase Taxes in Project Costs box.


Unfortunately, unchecking this box with open transactions results in an error and the box does not uncheck. As a result, we had to  change this setting via SQL using the command:

update pa41701
set paincprchtxprjcst=0

This will only affect new transactions so we still needed to open the distributions on any unposted Shipment/Invoice or Invoice Matching transactions and use the default button on the distributions window to reset the accounts.

16 June 2011

Dynamics GP Land: Sustainable Development?

New at Dynamics GP Land, Christina Phillips looks at Sustainable Development and how it applies to well, development

Dynamics GP - Learn & Discuss: Sales Document Copy Feature

Vaidy looks at the Sales Document Copy Feature in a new post.

Using the Script Debugger in Runtime Mode - Developing for Dynamics GP

David Musgrave looks at Using the Script Debugger in Runtime Mode.

Dynamics GP Land: Performance Issues with Dynamics GP on Terminal Server with Mapped Drives

Steve Endow looks at Performance Issues with Dynamics GP on Terminal Server with Mapped Drives.

We’ve run into similar issues, though in at least one case, speed of the WAN the customer was using was the issue. When I’ve seen this we saw significant printing slowdowns and significant performances differences in SmartLists.

Moving the mapped drive to a TS location significantly improved performance.

Permissions Issue with SQL Reporting Services on Vista | Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing

Over at Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing there is a look at a Permissions Issue with SQL Reporting Services on Vista.

Of course, you could switch to Windows 7 instead. I’m just sayin’. Winking smile

Weekly Review: Transaction Posting Dates


We looked at Batch Posting vs. Transactional Posting last week. One of the benefits of batch posting is the ability to control the posting date via the batch posting date. This works for most batch types except GL.
The ability to change the posting date is important. For example, If an invoice arrives several months late, the invoice should typically be posted in the GL for the current month, even though the invoice date is in the past. This can still be accomplished with transactional posting, the process just isn't obvious.

In any of the transaction, click the blue arrow next to the date field. In our AP invoice example from above, this would be the Doc. Date field. The arrow next to a date field typically opens a window with additional date fields allowing a user to fine tune dates including setting a different posting date.

The posting date in this window controls the posting date of a transaction not placed in a batch. Unless this date is explicitly changed, it defaults to the document date on the main transaction window.

Batch posting allows you to set this posting date once for the batch. If using transactional posting, the date will need to be set on each transaction.

Originally Posted by Mark at 7/06/2009 09:00:00 AM

Dynamics GP - Learn & Discuss: Analytical Accounting YE Close - AAG30000 Primary Key Violation Error

Vaidy looks at an error with Analytical Accounting YE Close - AAG30000 Primary Key Violation Error

15 June 2011

EIEB and BIEE from Project Accounting may carry larger balances on newer versions - Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog

The Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog is back with info about changes made to how Earnings in Excess of Billings and Billings in Excess of Earnings works in Project Accounting. Check out their post EIEB and BIEE from Project Accounting may carry larger balances on newer versions for more details.

Dynamics GP - Learn & Discuss: Account Segments Vs. Analytical Accounting

Sticking with an Analytical Accounting theme, Vaidy adds his thoughts to Account Segments Vs. Analytical Accounting .

Dynamics GP Land: Select Blogs Where Smartlist Begins With [%]

Christina Phillips shows what can happen Where Smartlist Begins With [%]

Management Reporter - Migrating from Microsoft FRx - Dynamics Corporate Performance Management

Using Management Reporter and Migrating from Microsoft FRx? Check out the new post form Dynamics Corporate Performance Management.

Using FRx or Management Reporter to create an Excel Pivot Table | FRxBuzz

Jan Harrigan looks at Using FRx or Management Reporter to create an Excel Pivot Table at the ever valuable FRx Buzz.

13 June 2011

Mohammad R. Daoud: Microsoft Dynamics GP Analytical Accounting Vs. Segments

Mohammad Daoud explores the age old dilemma, Microsoft Dynamics GP Analytical Accounting Vs. Segments.

Belinda, the GP CSI: GL Summary Trial Balance made easy with Excel Pivot Tables

Belinda the GP CSI has a great video on the GL Summary Trial Balance made easy with Excel Pivot Tables.

Confessions of a Young Consultant: Old School vs. New School | DynamicsCare

Kelsey continues a look a her Confessions of a Young Consultant: Old School vs. New School.

Management Reporter - Understanding how Report Viewer is Unique - Dynamics Corporate Performance Management

Dynamics Corporate Performance Management talks to customers to to get an Understanding how Report Viewer is Unique.

SQL Script to Report against multiple GP Companies | iSolutions

iSolutions shows off a SQL Script to Report against multiple GP Companies.

GP Resources

More good reviews for the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook from the Microsoft Dynamics GP Discussion site.

The money quote “This is a must have book in your consultant’s tool kit.”

Weekly Dynamic: Asset ID’s Beginning With “Z” Don’t Appear on Some Reports

We found a bug the other day that I swear I’ve seen reported somewhere but I can’t find it so I’m noting here for everyone. I have reported this to MS via PartnerSource and MS Connect.

For Dynamics GP 10 SP 5 and GP 2010 SP 1 at least, if the Fixed Asset ID begins with the letter “Z” the asset will not appear on at least some reports. I haven’t test this with R2 yet. To duplicate in Fabrikam, create a new fixed assets starting with the letter Z like Z1234 and assign it to structure 100. Create a second asset starting with the letter Y like Y1234 and assign it to structure 100.



Run the Inventory by Structure ID report using structure 100 as the only limiting criteria. Item Y1234 will appear on the report, item Z1234 will not.


Microsoft has indicated that this is a known bug reported in KB 863264  but the KB seems to be unavailable. No wonder I couldn’t find it. MS is working to update the KB to ensure that it’s available. There are no plans to fix this issue. If you want it fixed, vote for it on MS Connect.

You’ve two options to deal with this:

1) Add a Fixed Asset ID end range of “ZZZZZZZZ” to reports

2) Change the Fixed Asset ID via SQL. Fortunately, FA uses asset indexes, not the ID to link assets in various tables so the change only needs to happen in one table. However, some ISV solutions use the Fixed Asset ID (like Multi-Entity Management from Binary Stream) so you’ll need to check those too.


I’m on vacation for the next couple of weeks. For those of you who don’t know what that means, I don’t either. I’m going to try to find out. It’s road trip time with the family so posting will be more sporadic.

09 June 2011

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 SRS Reports - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

Get a look at all of the available Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 SRS Reports courtesy of Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

Dynamics GP - Learn & Discuss: Microsoft KB Articles - Is it really confidential?

Vaidy digs into Microsoft KB articles and asks “Is it really confidential?
I’m glad Vaidy brought this up, I’ve had the same types of questions come up and I generally agree with Vaidy’s stance. If something is in the wild any way (some has blogged on it, written an article, etc) or if I’ve solved something without a KB and then found the KB later, I’ll blog about something with a link to the Knowledge Base article. If the KB gave me the answer, I’ll point to it instead of spelling it out.
Here is the problem from my point of view:
  • Microsoft probably marks way too many items as confidential
  • Searching the KB is still very bad so we want to help folks with issues and when we see a solution we want to share and promote a solution. Heaven knows we’ll probably never find that KB again.
  • But Microsoft makes money of CustomerSource and PartnerSource and the fact that access is behind a password. If you don’t pay for enhancement/support, you don’t get CustomerSource.
I’m not knocking Microsoft for that, they have a right to charge for access to support and these articles are definitely support related. I’ve had people ask for items and when I point them to the KB they tell me that they’re not on a support plan and don’t have access to CustomerSource. Unfortunately, the answer is tough luck. Even in my book there are a few cases where I point to the KB to go beyond the book.
As partners of both our clients and Microsoft we sometimes have to walk a fine line here. There is certainly nothing wrong with pointing someone to a KB. Nor is there anything wrong with pointing someone to a non-kb resource that answers their questions. However, I wonder about folks who reproduce wholesale KB’s for public consumption. Then again, there are partners out there who have taken my 50 tips content, ripped of the I.B.I.S. name and presented it as their own. There are also people who steal my book and try to offer it for free so I’m not sure why I’m surprised at a little CustomerSouce scraping.

Packt book review challenge

The publisher of my books, Packt Publishing is starting a review challenge. If you have your own blog and write a review of a Packt book like the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook, the Lite Edition or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Reporting, for example, you could win electronic access to all of Packt’s books via a year long subscription to PacktLib.

The details are easy and there are complete instructions and requirements at the Packt book review challenge.

Weekly Review: Transaction vs. Batch Posting


Dynamics GP provides a an option in most modules to post transactions individually or via a batch of transactions. This is set in Tools->Setup->Posting->Posting and can be controlled differently for different transaction types. The vast majority of consultants I know (including me) recommend posting by batch, but it's not always clear to user why so here are my reasons.

  • Batches allow users to save and review transactions prior to posting.
  • Batches allow printing edit lists to identify errors prior to posting.
  • Batches can require approval and/or verification.
  • Batch posting provides better control over the posting date. For transactions, this defaults to the transaction date. It can often be changed with the arrow on the date field but few users figure that out.
  • Some transactions like Inventory Adjustments require batch posting to really work right.
  • Batches can provide another reference or grouping point for searching or reporting.
  • Batches recover better from errors via Batch Recovery than directly posted transactions. This is a personal observation and I don't care what anyone says. I've more hard to fix errors resulting from transaction posting than from batch posting. Something will go wrong so you might as well have the best chance at recovery.
This leaves the average users with two simple options. Ignore all the advice and experience of a bunch of GP consultants and pay us ton of money to fix it when something goes wrong or use batch posting. I'm not worried, plenty of folks will choose option 1.

Originally Posted by Mark at 6/29/2009 09:00:00 AM

07 June 2011

Decisions 2011–Register NOW!

The Decisions Spring 2011 Conference is right around the corner. You don’t want to miss this terrific virtual conference. I’m actually on vacation but I wouldn’t miss it. I’ll be there virtually on GP Day June 15. If I can spend some precious vacation time as Decisions Spring 2011, surely you can spare a little work time to get better with Dynamics GP.


Dynamics GP Land: In Search Of....Creative Management Reporter Solutions

Christina Phillips is looking for some Creative Management Reporter Solutions. Can you help her out?

The Dynamics GP Blogster: Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Architecture: Correction!

Mariano fixes a few things in his Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Architecture: Correction!

Dynamics GP – Support Troubleshooting Tips « DynamicsGP.ie

Ian Stewart has a nice post up on Dynamics GP – Support Troubleshooting Tips. This is something I’ve been toying with writing more about so it’s great to see this from Ian.

How to Select Audit Trail Software for Dynamics GP

I’ve got a brand new Best Practice Guide available as a free download looking at How to Select Audit Trail Software for Dynamics GP.

In today’s regulatory environment auditing what goes on in Dynamics GP is even more important than ever. Make sure that you select audit trail software that meets your needs with this free guide.

06 June 2011

Mohammad R. Daoud: There is no Web named /BP/Administration, The language is not supported on the server

Mohammad Daoud hunts down and issue where There is no Web named /BP/Administration, The language is not supported on the server

Dynamics GP Land: Bank Transfers, Interest Income, Whats the Diff?

Christina Phillips digs into Bank Transfers, Interest Income, and What's the Diff?

FRx and Management Reporter News from Convergence | FRxBuzz

Jan is running a little behind but she finally analyzing FRx and Management Reporter News from Convergence.

Collins Dynamics GP Blog: SmartList objects that work with the "Extender Window" fields

Collins computing looks at SmartList objects that work with the "Extender Window" fields

The eOne Dynamics GP and CRM Blog: Build your own node

The long awaited Node Builder for econnect is now available from eOne Build your own node.

So can I get a copy to play with?

Analytical Accounting Information Flow from Purchase Order to Receipts | Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing

I’m not sure if being dubbed the King of Analytical Accounting is a compliment or simply a sign of high pain tolerance but Sivakumar is certainly laying claim to that title with all of his great AA SQL scripts and information including his newest post Analytical Accounting Information Flow from Purchase Order to Receipts.

Weekly Dynamic: Test SERVER

Lots of firms have test COMPANIES in their Dynamics GP environment. Usually this means that they make a copy of production and create another company on the same server using the same Dynamics database for both.

While this is OK for testing some types of features and transactions it presents a set of problems that companies of don’t realize because a test company on production database shares many elements with the production company and is running in the production environment.

For example, changes to reports and forms in the test company can inadvertently affect production. Executing a long running query or testing a new process can bog down the production server as well. Installing an ISV solution in test can make that solution available to production causing significant problems if it’s not properly setup. Finally, if someone foolishly gives out the ‘sa’ password to install something in the test company, they’ve now given unfettered access to the entire system.

I’m not saying that companies shouldn’t have a test company on the production server, it has it’s place. But firms should also have a test SERVER with a test companies to play with. Isolating the server makes it easier to test in a truly separated environment with no risk of affecting production.

03 June 2011

Friday Fun: Practical Jokes You Can Play With Dynamics GP.

Warning: Playing practical jokes with Dynamics GP can get you fired. I’m not responsible if that happens. None of these practical jokes can actually harm a Dynamics GP system UNLESS someone screws things up trying to troubleshoot what’s going on. Use any of these practical jokes at your own risk.

For companies not using Account Security, a simple prank is to turn it on using Setup > Company > Company and checking the Account Security box. For all users but ‘sa’ the chart of accounts will seem to disappear. Hilarity, and possible violence, will ensue. Unchecking the box makes the chart visible again.

02 June 2011

How to Surface Excel Data in the Business Analyzer - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP

Pam Misialek gives us some nice juicy info on how to How to Surface Excel Data in the Business Analyzer - Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP.

This post is fantastic with lots of detail. If she keeps giving us posts like this all I can say is that I’m glad that MS employees can’t be MVP’s.

'Fix-It' Solutions available for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 - Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog

In a reminder from the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog, there are a number of 'Fix-It' Solutions available for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010. These automated solutions can help resolve a number of problems with a minimum of work and risk.


Say no to Apostrophes | CriticalEdge Group Blog

The CriticalEdge Group looks at several reasons to Say no to Apostrophes in Dynamics GP.

Weekly Review: Backwards Allocation Accounts in Dynamics GP


We've covered Fixed Allocation accounts here before but I've got a new use for them now. Typically a Fixed Allocation account takes an amount posted to that account and passes it to multiple other accounts based on the setup percentages. Recently I ran into a situation where we wanted to do the opposite.

In Project Accounting you can force transactions to change various segments to match the segment values assigned to the project using the subnet mask functionality. For example, a department segment is changed on posting to match the department assigned to the project. It works great until you run into a particular cost category that you DON'T want to change based on the project. You can't control subnet masks by cost category, an account type either gets a mask or it doesn't. In our case, for certain allocation transactions to a particular cost category, we wanted them all to hit the same department but Project Accounting was transforming the department segment causing us problems.

The solution was to create a Fixed Allocation account for each department. The allocation accounts all pointed to the same real GL account with a 100% allocation. In other words, instead of using an allocation account to spread costs to multiple departments, we used multiple allocation accounts to rollup costs to a single department. This kept the GL clean and avoided polluting the chart with a whole bunch of accounts since allocation accounts are pass through accounts that don't show up on financial statements.

I love finding new uses for old features!

Originally Posted by Mark at 6/08/2009 09:00:00 AM

What are the Worst Mistakes You can make (or have made) with Dynamics GP?

John Lowther and I are working on a presentation for the upcoming GPUG Summit and we are looking for the worst mistakes you can make with Dynamics GP. We have some of our own ideas but we would love to get more ideas from everyone else. If you've got a nasty mistake that you've made or seen with Dynamics please comment on this post or email me at mpolino@gmail.com.

01 June 2011

Confessions of a Young Consultant: Managing the Ropes

Once again I marvel at the transparency of Kelsey Andrich. I think I’m transparent and I read something like Confessions of a Young Consultant: Managing the Ropes.

Keep up the great work Kelsey.

Dynamics GP Land: Account Level Security and Advanced Search, Uh-Oh

Christina Phillips looks at disconnects in Account Level Security and Advanced Search. I agree with Christina that this is a problem but for different reasons.

I’ve personally never seen a business where the descriptions of an account in the chart were so sensitive that users couldn’t see them. In most cases, the descriptions aren’t descriptive enough not to mention so descriptive that they would cause concern. The problem I have is that the message returned is that the account doesn’t exist, when clearly, it exists, the user is just denied access.

This is similar to the problem that happens when user accidently turn on advanced security. It appears that the account don’t exist instead of indicating that security is restricted. Check out the whole article for details.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Discussion.

Welcome Samuel Mathew and his blog Microsoft Dynamics GP Discussion. A blog created to share my thoughts about MS Dynamics GP to the discussion.

Dynamics GP Land: Implementation Trauma, Number Three!

From deep in Dynamics GP Land, Christina Phillips drop Implementation Trauma, Number Three! on us with a look risks and difficult conversations in implementations.

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Architecture Series - Developing for Dynamics GP

If you’re interested in new on the upcoming Dynamics GP “12”, David Musgrave pulls together available information into a single post a Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Architecture Series.

Let’s Get FOCUSED on FRx & BI in Texas - Microsoft Dynamics Community

If you’re interested in BI check out GPUG’s BI event coming to Texas this summer. There’s more at Let’s Get FOCUSED on FRx & BI in Texas - GPUG Events & News.

Mohammad R. Daoud: Dynamics GP Vs. Dynamics AX

Mohammad Daoud looks at Dynamics GP Vs. Dynamics AX. While I generally agree with his comments, I think that GP is more customizable than people with less effort than people give it credit for. It also has much strong financials.