People Ready. Community. Those were the themes for Convergence 2006. Community requires participation. You don't interact with your children or your boss once a year, why should Microsoft only get your feedback once a year? It's important to let Microsoft hear from you at more than just Convergence. I've heard your questions in sessions, I know you're not shy. I'm guessing you just don't know how to make yourself heard throughout the year.
So how do you do that? 2 options are:
1) Newsgroups
2) Blogs
Newsgroups - the Great Plains newsgroups are easy to use. You can find them here. Newsgroups are great for asking questions, getting advice, and finding support. You can also make suggestions for Microsoft on features and vote for or against suggested features. When it comes to Dynamics, every year is an election year. Go Vote!
Blogs - Blogs create community. They are typically one voice with lots of opportunity for response. In a simple metaphone, imagine a newspaper opinion piece with unlimited letters to the editor and a chance for other papers to respond with their own editorials, each with unlimited letters to the editor as a response.
Read a blog. Heck read mine. Start a blog. Give me your ideas. Tell me I'm off base. Tell Microsoft they got it right or they missed the mark. Just don't sit there silently!
How do you start? Take a look at the links on the bottom left at or take a look at these:
Blog Readers: My MSN, Google, My Yahoo!, Bloglines, Newsgator. I know you've heard of some of these.
Blog Creators: MSN Spaces, Blogger
Look, this is pretty simple. Microsoft will listen to their customers. If I'm the only customer blogger at Convergence again next year, I get a disproportionate voice. I'm ok with that, my needs will get met. You, however, will have to shout louder to get heard. So speak up!