08 August 2006


A couple of items emerged from the MS Dynamics Compliance webcast today. I'm going to call them rumors for now because I'm not sure that I understood correctly. So, I may be wrong but here goes.

1) SP2 for Dynamics GP 9 is due out in October of 2006. That timing seems about right. It is expected to include improved electronic signature capability in the Electronic Signature module. Things like email notification and approval from a different machine. I suspect the functionality will be similar to electronic timesheet or requisition approvals. (We were talking about compliance so I don't have any idea what else is in there.)

2) If you are running GP 9 + SQL 2005 + Windows 2003 Server you can get Active Directory authentication and single sign on. We haven't upgraded to SQL 2005 yet so if anyone is running in this configuration, please go to user setup, play with the additional settings and let me know. If this is true, MS should be screaming this at every installed user. That is a compelling reason to upgrade!

3) Client Update will add CNK files. Here's the deal. At Convergence, the MS folks were adamant that client update wouldn't push CNK files. My VAR was certain, client update couldn't push CNK files. I've been contacted by some folks who thought it would push CNK files. Most of the documentation is vague, but I did find a document that clearly says CNK files can be pushed to clients via client update. So which is it? I did a quick test and the CNK file did NOT go down. But I'm open to being wrong. Has anyone pushed a CNK file down via GP client update? If you have, send me an email and let me know.