25 October 2006

CFO Roundtable was Cool

If you ever get a chance to go to a Microsoft CFO Roundtable event -- GO!. Yesterday's event was with Craig Bruya, Microsoft Business Solutions' CFO. It was 5 of us and Craig for 2 and 1/2 hours.
He had a presentation prepared but we had lots of time to ask questions around MS, Dynamics, product direction, etc. It was pretty cool and it was certainly NOT was I was expecting. I was expecting something much bigger, instead, I got the hardest thing to get at MS -- access. Don't pass one of these up if you get a chance.
I didn't mention that I would blog the meeting so I won't talk about specifics. There was nothing proprietary but it was interesting to hear answers from someone high up in the MBS hierarchy, off the cuff, no script. It was also fun to hear some stories from someone who has both been yelled at by Balmer and yelled back. Ha!Ha!
Thanks to Angie at epartners Tampa for the invite.