23 January 2007

Who Knew We Were So Cutting Edge?

On Richard Edelman's Blog (Edelman is a big PR firm that handles things like the Vista launch, Brawny paper towels, etc.), he cites a dinner they held with customers, communications firms and media companies. One item that came out of the dinner is:
2) The new sweet spot for video content is a 3-4 minute segment, between long form (movie) and short form (30 second spot). This is the average length of segments on YouTube.
Huh, sounds a lot like our Dynamic Sherpa videos.
And then there's:
...have a presence on-line because you can build passion for brands and can build community which engenders brand loyalty.
hmm... that sounds a little like DynamicAccounting.net We're going more for a community that improves usability, but he's a marketer so we'll forgive him if he thinks like one.
The whole post is online at Edelman's blog for all 3 of the accountants with a marketing bent.
Update: Fixed a problem with the DynamicSherpa link (and domain name!)