09 April 2007

Dynamics Finance Forums

The new Finance Forums for the Microsoft Dynamics line are up and running in beta. There are definitely still some rough spots and it certainly seems geared toward Accounting and Finance types more than product adminsitrators.

The articles and expert columns look pretty good and I've asked for DynamicAccounting.net to be included in the blogs. RSS and subscription support is there but parts are still not real clean. (For example: Forums->Forum Subscriptions lets you check a box to subscribe, but it doesn't say what you are subscribing too, RSS, email, etc. and nothing else seems to happen.)

Too many of the early posts are from folks advertising software. We love you guys, we know you need to make a living and we're impressed with you're ability to find new ways to reach us but if all new people see are ads, they won't stay very long. So, if you want this to be a resource in the future, go post!