25 April 2007

SQL Maintenance Plans

Database Journal has a multi-part article on the SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan Wizard. Parts 1 and 2 deal with integrity checks, shrinking the DB, statistics and using the designer. Part 3 focuses on Backups. If you are new to GP or new to SQL Server 2005 it’s worth taking a look. In fact, quit what you’re doing right now and make sure that your GP backups are setup and working right. Yes, right now. Put down that sandwich and go do it. You’ll be glad you did. And quit using tape backups. Tape is crap. Backup to a hard drive or other reliable media. I dare you to pull out a tape to restore a crashed GP install without thinking about if your resume’ is updated. Uh, huh. You know I’m right.

 If this reminder saves you thousands of dollars in lost man hours, anguish and stress, my fee is 3% of the savings.