21 August 2007

Extreme Dynamics Makeover

DynamicAccounting.net now has a new look!
As we approach the second anniversary of DynamicAccounting.net, I've taken a hard look at my goals for this site and what is and isn't working. Consequently I've decided to move the site off of a local server and back to Blogger for most of the elements. The podcast and videos will continue with both restarting shortly. Hopefully this will give me more time to focus on content and less time on site maintenance.
In the process, the site has gotten a much needed make over. Previously, access to some items required registration. This selfishly let me see where many of you were coming from. It was fun to see all the folks from Cairo who registered. Who knew!
But I know from comments in the newsgroup, some people were leery about registering due to a fear of spam. Well, I committed not to spam folks and I've kept that commitment. Now it's time to open everything up to everyone and I'll rely on Google Analytics to see where everyone is visiting from.
For those of you who registered previously, you have my undying appreciation. Once the migration is complete your data will be deleted so that you don't have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands.
If you don't see any changes yet, it's because the domain location change is still migrating through the Internet's DNS servers. Don't worry, you'll see it soon.
The good news is that you don't have to change anything. All the RSS feeds will continue to work and all the domain names stay the same and you can keep visiting DynamicAccounting.net for everything GP.