04 November 2007

GP 10 Table Reference is Done

Lucky for you, the day was full of good football games and I was able to finish up the GP 10 Table Reference while watching the games.

This is similar to the 9.0 Table Reference but bigger. Essentially this should be all the tables from a full install of CD1. Everything is broken down by product and series including temp files. It weighs in at just under 3,500 tables references.

If you need a quick reference for reporting or development this should be much faster than using Tools->Resource Descriptions. The file is in Excel 97-2003 format and has the tables both split out by product for easy reference and aggregated for easy searching. It's Excel, hack it up in whatever way works for you.

This is version 1.0. If you find any mistakes please let me know. Building this file is a really time intensive process and there can be mistakes.

The previous Table and Column list for GP 10 has now been replaced by this reference in the download links. Enjoy!