20 February 2008

MS Dynamics World Partner Survey

The folks at MSDynamicsWorld.com have completed a survey of Dynamics Partners. Unsurprisingly, the largest percentage of respondents worked with Dynamics GP (56%) and CRM (43%). [Wait, is that the sound of horns tooting?]

In the broad results, MS does a good job supporting integrations between Dynamics and vendors products, customers do a poor job of communicating their requirements, customers want end to end integrated solutions and everybody fights over costs.

Take a look at the whole article here.

My takeaway for customers is that the better you understand and communicate what you need, the less arguing you'll do over costs. This applies to all kinds of things. Audit and Tax come to mind for example. The more on top of your company you are, the smoother and cheaper your audit and tax processes are. I know that CFO's get that. You just have to apply the same logic to your systems. When you know exactly what you want, it's easier to give you a solid price.

My experience is that the key is less about communication and more about knowing what you want. Most people are pretty good at describing what they want. I watched a lady at Lowes over the weekend describe fuzzy pad holders for a glass table. It was rambling and partially coherent but the Lowes guys knew exactly what it was and where to find it. She didn't communicate it well but she knew exactly what she wanted. I however had no clue what I was looking for so I could only describe my little home repair problem. I never did get a satisfactory solution.