23 January 2009

PerformancePoint Didn't Perform

So it's official, all that's left is the spin. There's even a video. The Monitoring and Analytics portion of PerformancePoint has been swallowed by Sharepoint. Planning will get SP3 in the summer and ongoing support but it's life support and that's all. So what's going to replace FRx Forecaster? No idea. Convergence would be a perfect place to ask that question!

Management Reporter is supposed to still be alive, but PerformancePoint as a standalone product is toast. Business Scorecard Manager and ProClarity Desktop are also officially toast. The other Proclarity bits migrate to Sharepoint and Excel.

Someone one was kind enough to send me this PDF with FAQ's about the change. I've been unable to find it on the web, but it's marked external so I'm putting it up here. Update: found another site with the PDF link here.

I'm disappointed with Microsoft's moves around Performance Point. They put out a good 1.0 product but it was full of promise for future. Then the update got delayed and our hopes were dashed. Now parts of it are dead. I don't know what this means for other products that were marked as end of life due to PerformancePoint. Do products like FRx Forecaster and Enterprise Reporting get a new lease on life or not? Is FRx 6.7 going to live forever? (I hope not!)

I did hear that is seemed like MS did a keep/kill analysis with all of their products. The Dynamics products seem to have made the keep list but PerformancePoint didn't. I've also heard that Dynamics marketing got whacked pretty hard with layoffs. Our thoughts are with you all. They should have whacked the Tablet PC or Media Center Marketing teams. Those are good products with crappy marketing!