Dynamics GP v9.0 introduced a new feature to allow you to automatically populate the account description based on the segments. This is a great feature to give you a consistent chart of accounts.
In a nutshell, once you've setup your account segments and their meanings in Tools-Setup-Financial-Segment you're ready to go. There is supposed to be a way to add these on the fly as well but I haven't found it yet.
After this, when you create a new account in Cards-Financial-Account, the description will populated based on the segments. So if your account is 0000-1100-01 and the segment meanings are Cash-Bob's Bank-Operating, that's what will apear in the description. It takes alot of the guess work out of abbreviations.
For those of you with messy charts descriptions like me, Mass Modify (Cards-Financial-Mass Modify) will let you clean up your Segments now as well.
Originally Posted by Mark 7/06/2006 10:24:00 AM