22 June 2010

Dynamics Confessor Blogspot: You NEED this book by Mark Polino!

Fellow MVP Leslie Vail is pretty excited about my upcoming Dynamics GP book, the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook. You can tell by her blog post: You NEED this book by Mark Polino!

Leslie is in a unique position to know, she helped with the technical edits on the book, making sure that I didn’t color too far outside of the lines. That means that Leslie got to read through the raw manuscript and help make it better. If she likes it this much from the raw manuscript, you’re going to love it.

On a side note, you can now sign up at Amazon.com to be notified when the book is available BUT they misspelled my name. My publisher is working with Amazon to get it fixed but for now I’m Marie-Noelle Polino. If you hurry you can see it here. Let the abuse begin.

Even better, just pre-order the book from the publisher with a 10% discount now. They managed to get my name right.
