Here at I’m launching a new initiative, Best Practice Guides for Dynamics GP. The first one is free and it’s an update of my previous Use Tax document for Dynamics GP.
Not all of these documents will be free but this first one should give you a great idea of what to expect. The goal is to provide information about a specific Dynamics GP topic that can’t be adequately covered in a blog post but isn’t long enough or is too specialized to be a book. Use tax is a great example because the document has very useful information for the folks who need it but the audience can be very limited.
I expect these guides to be 20 to 75 pages in length and they will sell for $20-$30. The Use Tax guide will always be free.
In some cases these will be expanded versions of speaking topics. The guides will allow users a shortcut to detailed information about that topic saving a lot of Google digging. I will have more guides up soon and I’m looking forward to tacking some topics that I’ve had on my list for a while.
I hope you like the new Best Practice Guides and that they help improve your Dynamics GP implementation.