I’ve actually got a beagle not a pug but since GPUP has nothing to do with dogs and everything to do with Dynamics GP I’ll be at the GPUG Summit in Orlando, October 25-28. GPUG is the Great Plains User Group and the Summit is the place to learn more about Dynamics GP. This isn’t a fluffy conference. It’s nitty gritty deep in the application time.
I’ve got a brand new set of 50 Tips for Dynamics GP ready to be delivered in just 50 Minutes. Many of you remember how good the first 100 were, well these are 50 more things that I couldn’t stuff into the bag before. The tips are applicable from version 6 (you remember that right?) all way to Dynamics GP 2010.
The GPUG Summit is fun, accessible and inexpensive compared to the information you’ll walk out with.
Fun facts:
This is not a pug or a GPUG. This is my beagle Gracie. She has almost a hundred twitter followers. Who knew!