I ran into an interesting scenario when this article was first written.
A client (who we'll call X) provides a device to it's end user companies and provides services around that device. At the end of the service term, the end gets to keep the device. Because of this, some end users ask to purchase a manufacturers extended warranty through client X.
This an interesting example of the SOP to POP functionality. Client X is shipping a device from their warehouse but the addition of the warranty, requires Client X to actually purchase the warranty from the manufacturer at the time of sale. It's essentially a near time process since delivery of the warranty is virtual. We looked at using SOP to POP functionality to create the PO for the warranty and kept running into a problem. We couldn't push the service item to a P.O.
My first concern was that this was a limitation in GP but after talking to support, we found the issue. We hadn't marked allow backorders on the item record. After all, when we setup the service items, why would we need to back order a service right? Doh!
So the ultimate solution was to fix the appropriate service item records to allow back orders, enter the warranty in SOP, change the Quantity from Ordered to Back Ordered and create a P.O.
Part of our problem with this was that the issue came up very late in the project and we didn't have enough time to really sit and evaluate all the possible settings that could be causing us problems, but now I know where to go look first the next time.
Originally posted by Mark at 6/20/2008 12:27:00 PM