I wrote this originally more than 2 years ago. Now I’m back in the same situation.
I confess to a current writer's block around Weekly Dynamics. After lots of weeks of good ideas I'm running low. I did realize that I've never really done a post on limiting the number of records in a Smartlist.
If you look at the bottom of a Smartlist it tells you the number of records returned. If that's a round number, like 1,000, you've probably hit the limit and don't have all the records you need. This is easily fixed on a case by case basis, simply hit the Search button and change the Maximum Records amount.
If you have a need to set this on a consistent basis, save your Smartlist as a Favorite. To make global adjustments to limits, go to the Dynamics GP menu - Tools - Setup - System - Smartlist Options. Here you can ratchet down Smartlist defaults and force users to up the limits on a case by case basis. This can help with performance if you have these limits too high to begin with.
If you have suggestions for a Weekly Dynamic, let me know that too!
Originally Posted by Mark at 9/03/2008 09:04:00 AM