07 December 2010

Dynamics Report Writer is the Best Report Writer in the World continued

David Musgrave continues to show off what VBA can do when added to report writer in his latest Dynamics Report Writer is the Best Report Writer in the World cont.post.

I know that he is simply pushing the absurd with his headline but the future of Dynamics GP reporting is not Report Writer. If it was, we wouldn’t have seen World templates and we wouldn’t hear the groans that we do when users understand that Word templates are still constrained by Report Writer. And of course Accountable wouldn’t be able to sell their fantastic Forms Printer product.

I’m not here to bash Report Writer. Users do that for me every time I mention it. It’s nice to see someone finally putting some time in to push RW to it’s limits but even some of the folks who are now coming to Report Writer’s defense regularly abandon it for Crystal and SSRS. I’m simply practicing what I preach.