06 December 2010

Weekly Dynamic: POP Document Inquiry

When using the Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry window there are three boxes on the window and at least one box has to be checked to return any results. By default the Open Purchase Orders, Historical Purchase Orders and Receipts Received boxes are all unchecked.

It’s a pretty simple to build a customization that could check one or more of the boxes but you can also use a macro to check the boxes making easy for a regular user to set this up.

To create macro for this:

  1. Pick Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Macro > Record
  2. Name the Macro POPDocInquiry and save it.
  3. Pick Inquiry > Purchasing > Purchase Order Documents
  4. Check the three boxes
  5. Pick Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Macro > Stop Record
  6. On the Shortcut Bar, Right Click > Add > Macro
  7. Pick your macro and add a keystroke shortcut.

Now, instead of picking  Inquiry > Purchasing > Purchase Order Documents to access this window, simply use the Shortcut or the Keystroke shortcut and the window opens with the boxes checked.
