27 January 2011

Weekly Review: Deleting an Auto Complete Error

We all love the Auto Complete functionality in Dynamics GP, you know that thing where you start typing and GP fills in with things you've typed before. it's like it's reading your mind. But what happens if you make a mistake and misspell something, like an employees name? Are you stuck with that misspelling forever?

No way! This is actually really easy to fix. Start typing the misspelled word and when it appears as an auto complete choice, highlight it with the mouse and right click on the misspelling. A box will pop up showing "Remove from list". Click on that and the entry will go away.

That's all that there is to it.
This was actually covered as part of the Weekly Dynamic on the Auto Complete function but a number of people weren't aware that you could do this so I decided to split it out and give it it's own Weekly Dynamic.

originally Posted by Mark at 11/17/2008 09:00:00 AM