Lisa Armstrong reached out to me months ago inviting me to the first Washington, D.C. area GPUG chapter meeting. I couldn’t make the meeting but wanted to do something to help promote it. So I sent Lisa a Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook to give away and we worked out a way for me to send a video with GP tips to help provide meeting content. That’s about all that went right.
I built a custom 20 Tips in 20 Minutes for Dynamics GP presentation that looked awesome. I recorded the presentation and saved it off in a location that Lisa could get at and went on my merry way. Lisa calls yesterday to say the video is cutting off at 11 minutes. I rerecorded it last night after multiple tries but the resulting file is simply too large to send via hotel wireless. But hey, consultants are problem solvers so we work out to do a Live Meeting presentation and I’ll just deliver it live. What could go wrong?
Well, there can be problems with the speakerphone. The phone call can drop in middle forcing them to use a cell phone held up to a microphone so you can be heard. The web connection can drop on the last tip of the end of the presentation. The world can fold in on itself. Ok maybe that last one didn’t really happen but you get the idea.
And we do what we always do. In spite of surprises, we figure out a way to make it work. Whether it’s a project or a webinar or a demo that blows up.
The GPUG members in D.C. were extremely gracious despite the technical difficulties. They seemed to have had a full house and were in good hands with Mark Rockwell of Rockton Software and Jon Rivers of Data Masons in attendance. Thank again to Lisa for giving me the opportunity to help.