We ran into an issue with DynamicZip and Project Accounting recently so I thought I would share here.
DynamicZip is a Sales and Use Tax ISV solution for Dynamics GP. We ran into an issue where the account substitution wasn’t working the way we wanted it to for Invoice/Matching. In the end it turned out to be a conflict between Project Accounting's ability send the tax expense to the same account as the purchase and DynamicZip’s ability to do the same thing. Specifically:
- Default GP can use the tax detail account as the tax expense to debit via the Purchase Taxes in Project Costs in Project Accounting.
- This project accounting setting overrides the tax expense with the PA Purchase account
- So in a non-DynamicZip environment this would be the behavior we want
- DynamicZip changes the behavior of the tax detail account to be liability account (a credit)
- What’s happening is that project accounting was overriding the tax account with the purchase account, then Dynamics Zip was swapping it out to be the credit.
- Since DynamicsZip was already setup to use the purchasing account on these transactions, this PA setting was redundant and it was conflicting with PA .
The answer was to uncheck Include Purchase Taxes in Project Costs box.
Unfortunately, unchecking this box with open transactions results in an error and the box does not uncheck. As a result, we had to change this setting via SQL using the command:
update pa41701
set paincprchtxprjcst=0
This will only affect new transactions so we still needed to open the distributions on any unposted Shipment/Invoice or Invoice Matching transactions and use the default button on the distributions window to reset the accounts.