I wrapped up a 4 hour training session on GP Administration Made Easy yesterday for GPUG Academy. The class was a lot of fun and we had some great questions and comments.
I noticed that one class participant had to step out several time and I was concerned that they had a work issue and weren’t getting what they needed out of the class. I was also worried that they would crush me on the survey. What can I say, I’m vain, but you knew that.
At the end, this participant came up to get their CPE form signed. They commented that the class was great and they learned so much that they stepped out to call the office and have them implement some of the things they learned.
I was blown away. Folks were walking out of the class to get their colleagues to implement things they were learning.
If you haven’t looked at GPUG Academy training dig into it. There are some great sessions and they are more than worth the cost.