I realized that while I’ve covered screen capture with the Support Debugging Tool in the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook, I’ve never covered it in the blog. So here goes.
When the Support Debugging Tool is installed it adds a camera icon to the Standard toolbar. Clicking this captures all the open windows in Dynamics GP. Other options for triggering screen capture include MSDynamicsGP | Tools | Capture ScreenShots and hitting CTRL-S.
When Capture Screenshots is triggered by any of these methods, a window pops us showing the captured windows.
Users can choose which screens to include or exclude. Administrators can choose whether to include the Set file and Dex.ini settings by default in the setup.
After a user captures the screenshot and select the screens to include, the next step is to click email.
There are a number of setups that can determine the behavior of the email, including setting a default email account, the type of email to use (Outlook, CDO, MAPI) and whether or not the user gets to review the email before it goes out.
The bottom line is that in just a couple of clicks a user can capture a screen shot of problem and send it off for support.