29 March 2012

Weekly Review: Budget Modifications

This was a guest post by fellow GPer and long time friend of Dynamic Accounting.net, Zubin Gidwani.

When you open the budget maintenance window, you have the ability to modify one account at a time, however the method button brings up the ability to do a mass modify on all accounts in the budget.


If you hit Calculate and do not understand the implication, you may corrupt your entire budget.  Not so bad with an increase or decrease, that you can reverse, but pray you didn’t use Set Amount, or start looking for your backups. 



Budget ID table is GL00200, Budget Details table is GL00201 for fast dumps of your data.

The Safe way to modify a single account using the calculation method is on the Single Account Budget Maintenance screen, which can be found linked to the account maintenance screen.


Originally Posted by Mark Polino at 4/12/2010 09:00:00 AM