27 November 2006

Weekly Dynamic: Account Description Quirk

In version 9.0, Dynamics GP added the ability to auto populate the account description based on the account segments. When you enter a segment it can't find, GP asks if you want to create that segment. If you click yes, you go to segment creation. If you click no, you get to add the description manually. There is also a box marked, Do Not Display This Message Again.
If you check this box there's not an easy way to get it back if you change your mind. The change is made for the logged in user for all companies that user has access to.
The solution is a SQL Script. Execute this script in query analyzer for each company that a user has access to. Substitute the appropriate user id for myUserID.
delete from SY01401
where USERID = 'myUserID'
and coDefaultType = 13
This will bring back the box and put you back in charge of account descriptions.