The Dynamic Sherpa 5 minute videos for Dynamics GP have been slowly migrating to their new homes on Blip.TV and YouTube for the past 2 months.
Traffic to the old Podomatic location has slowed to a trickle and the lack of per video stats from Podomatic is causing me frustration when reviewing the downloads. So, as part of my year end clean up I've pulled the videos from Podomatic to cleanup my stats. All the older videos are still available on YouTube with links on the video page. I can add them to Blip.TV if there is a demand for other formats.
Don't forget that once the pie, egg nog and bubbly wear off, it's year end and someone will expect you to do some work. When that happens we've got a Year End Overview video and 2 1099 videos to make it look like you were working over the holidays. Also there's our Excel Based Budgeting video for those of you late to the budget party and our Correcting Journal Entry videos for those late night screwed up JE's sure to come in early January.
We're here to try make it not just a Happy New Year, but a Happy Year End.