29 October 2007

Covergence 2007 Europe News

News is starting to trickle out of Convergence 2007 Copenhagen.

  • Users of Dynamics Apps get now get 5 years of mainstream support (which you knew) + 5 years of extended support + custom support beyond the 5 years. Be prepared to pull out your wallet, especially for the custom support but if you want to still be running GP 10 in 2020 you can. Please don't call me for support at that time. I'll be on GP 15.
  • Microsoft's Premier support has been extended to the Dynamics line including 24 hr response and the possibility of on-site support.
  • The release schedule for products is now 24 months with service packs on 12 month cycles. This is consistent with the message from Convergence in San Diego.
  • GP 11 is due after Office 14 in 2009. Office 14! I'm still learning all the new stuff in Office 2007!
  • Microsoft Financing seems to have gotten some air time. It will get some here on the podcast soon too.
  • Dynamics is AX is getting integrated VOIP and Instant Messaging. Huh? [Scratch Head]
  • The new Dynamics head, Kirill Tatarinov, got his first Convergence keynote. Congrats.
  • All of this info is via the mainstream press. The Euro conference is filled with more AX and NAV folks and I don't follow enough of their blogs. Perhaps I should start.