16 December 2007

Code to Force Inventory Adj. Posting to GL

The MBS Guru did us all a favor and dropped the VBA code to check the "Post to GL" box for inventory adjustments in GP on his website. As he readily admits, this code is common knowledge, I think most of us have written it or something similar. Now though, you can use your brain for something else and just download this code.

There is also supposed to be a chunk (CNK) file available for free from GP that does this as well (ask your partner).

The bigger question of course is "Why isn't this included in GP to begin with?". This issue has been there forever. If you have Dex code and VBA code, you know how to fix it, just make it a check box in the app and be done with it. Don't add it to the next survey, just fix it in the next service pack. Heck make it 10 only for all I care. Everybody who needs it pre v 10 has one of these workarounds available but fix it for good.

I'll add a permanent link to the code in the Dev Downloads on the right.