14 December 2007

SQL Server 2008 Virtual Event

SQL Server Magazine is offering a free virtual event covering SQL Server 2008 on January 24th.

I think they mean that it's an actual event , conducted virtually but what do I know? I do know that the event is free and that one of the free tracks includes Business Intelligence and the integration of SSRS with MOSS. Another track covers SQL Server 2008 performance tuning.

(Acronym police: SSRS is SQL Server Reporting Services, MOSS is Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server, not the receiver for the Patriots.)

There's a lot of interest in the Dynamics GP space around BI. The fact that BI means so many different things to different people doesn't stop folks like me from talking about it. You might also benefit from anything related to MOSS. It is already inextricably intertwined with GP 10 and you'll only see more with new releases. Your best bet is to embrace and extend it into your organization.

(Long time MS watchers will appreciate that last line.)

Go sign up!