17 March 2009

Reporting Central and Reconciliation

You all know that I'm a big fan of reconciling subledgers to GL on a daily basis. The folks at Reporting Central showed me their new balancing reports designed to do just that. The cool thing about the reports is that they show why the two don't balance and what transactions cause the out of balance situation.

For example, on inventory balancing, there might be a section labeled GL or Inventory Subledger posted in wrong period or an indicator that the wrong account account was used along with specific transactions in each section. These go way beyond the AR and AP balancing functionality built into Dynamics GP and include reconciliations for AP, AR, Accrued Purchases, COGS, Sales and Inventory.

The reports are rended in Crystal Reports or SSRS making them easy to schedule and run.

It's time to stop whining that you can't balance and get control of your accounting department again. When you know what is causing out of balance issues you can step up and take action to prevent those issues from occurring.