27 April 2009

Dynamics GP and Twitter

Twitter is a social networking/micro-blogging site that is incredibly hot right now. There are lots of accountants and plenty Dynamics GP people posting links and thoughts on Twitter. Since the content is limited to 140 characters most of the meat for GP users is found by following the links. But there is a lot of great stuff out there.

I've been twittering (tweeting? I'm still not sure) for more than a year under mpolino. I've recently started adding Dynamics GP content as well as personal content. All of my GP content will be marked with a tag that looks like this #DynGP. This makes it easy to search and find Dynamics GP content. I'm working to try to make this a consistent tag among Twitterers to make it easy to find GP related content across Twitter.

Twitter won't replace blogging, but it is a nice, fast supplement to it.