07 April 2011

Pre-Convergence Stuff

Lots of folks are telling you exactly where to find their Convergence sessions. I think that’s fantastic, so I’m not going to do that. It’s fun to be different.

You’re smart enough to figure it out. The 50 Tips session contains all new tips again this year and the Excel presentation is brand new as well. You know that they are going to rock so I’m going to go all diva on you and say just look it up. Hint, they’re all going to rock the Marcus Auditorium, voted the most comfortable seats at Convergence last year.

Each year I pick a song to get hyped up to present. This year its going to be We Shot the Moon by Write This Down. I’ve had the whole album on repeat for the last 3 weeks so this works for me. Feel free to listen along.

For the first time, the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook is going to be available at the Convergence bookstore. Pick one up there and just roll it into your expense report for the conference. Just be careful, the books have a high theft factor so don’t leave yours lying around. The book was like a tickle me Elmo doll at the GPUG Summit. Everyone wanted one and they were in scarce supply.

I have a few (very few) books to give away. Sucking up will not help you get one. You’re better off buying one at the store. Then again, you’re welcome to try sucking up. Who knows what might work.

When I’m not presenting or practicing I’ll be at the expo, in sessions, or at the community lounge. If you want to say hi just stop me. If you want to find me, I’m going to try to tweet my location from @mpolino. Feel free to stalk…er…follow me.

Whether you are going or not, follow the #Conv11 twitter stream. Many of the comments made during conferences like this will make you laugh out loud.

If you owe me a drink now is the time to pay up. You know who you are Andy Hafer.